Disclaimer: the views presented in this video are of the speaker herself and do not necessarily reflect the views of Kalima Institute. We are sharing it here as we believe…
أيها العيد بك العدل تباهى
أيها العيد بك العدل تباهى حيث نالت أمة العدل مناها وثغور الحق فيك ابتسمت وعيون الجور غرقى في بكاها أنصت الكون لآي حينما أحمد المختار في الناس تلاها آية…
What YOU Can Do For Palestine
We all want to do good, yet it is sometimes difficult to know how. Here are some practical and easy ways that you – reading this right now – can support…
How will Imam Mahdi Achieve Peace Through Unity?
How will Imam Mahdi achieve peace through unity? – Imam Mahdi (as) will be sent for all of mankind, not for a particular group of people. He will defend the poor…
Imam Ali and Leadership
The 13th of Rajab, is the date that our first Imam, Imam Ali (AS), was delivered inside the most holy place on this earth, the house of Allah, the Ka’abah. After…