– On the day of Ashura’ Imam Hussein diagnosed a fatal and contagious disease that brings terrible consequences to humanity.– This disease is ‘worshipping this life’. He said “People are worshippers of dunya and they take religion lightly, licking it with their tongues”, which means they take it superficially without absorbing it in their hearts.
الناس عبيد الدنيا والدين لعق على ألسنتهم
– The Imam emphasises two sides of the equation of healthiness and happiness; dunya (this life) and din (faith that saves you in the hereafter)
– Like any equation of addition, if you focus on one side and underestimate the other, the result would be negative
– This disease seems to affect every one of us, exactly like flu and other contagious diseases
– The terrible events of Karbala, and all the problems that are happening in this world are a result of this disease
So, is there a treatment to it, so that we stop its spread and its toxic effects?
– Chapter 2 (al-Baqara), verses 196-202 suggest some solutions:
1. Pure intentions (نية خالصة). This means to do all your deeds and ibadat for the sake of Allah only, without seeking acknowledgments from people or gaining money or any other ‘ego’ benefits. وأتموا الحج والعمرة لله
2. Avoid arrogance and racism. Love everyone and treat them fairly. Be humble and do not allow any kind of racial differentiation. The only factor that raises the status of people should be their piety. ثم أفيضوا من حيث أفاض الناس
3. Continuous remembrance of Allah in all conditions. When you finish a worshipping act keep remembering Allah, as this remembrance promotes goodness in yourself.
فأذا قضيتم مناسككم فاذكروا الله كذكركم آباءكم أو أشد ذكرا
4. Always seek balance between this life and the hereafter. Do not immerse yourself in the needs of this life (dunya), and forget the other life (akhira).
فمن الناس من يقول ربنا آتنا في الدنيا وماله في الآخرة من خلاق, ومنهم من يقول ربنا آتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الآخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار, أولئك لهم نصيب مماكسبوا والله سريع الحساب
5. Learn Qur’anic meanings and implement its teachings. Keep praying to Allah (du’a) as prayers make you closer to Allah and less attached to this life.
By Dr. Iman Al-Attar