10 Things to Do in the First 10 Days of Dhul Hijjjah

The first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah are the most blessed days in the Islamic calendar – this is an opportunity for us to increase our righteous deeds.

Try in these 10 days to:
1) Give money in charity

2) Connect with your brothers and sisters in faith
3) Pray extra salah (or try to improve the quality of your daily prayers!)
4) Thank Allah (swt) for His endless blessings
5) Improve your akhlaq (manners) and avoid arguments etc.
6) Read more Qur’an and tafsir of the Qur’an
7) Learn about Hajj and it’s importance in Islam
8) Increase your Islamic knowledge in general
9) Read the duaas (supplications) from Sahifa Sajjadiyya
10) Make a Qurban and distribute meat to the poor (highly recommended)

May Allah (swt) accept all your deeds inshaAllah


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