If we don’t take anything from the season of Hajj, let us derive from it one key lesson. The lesson of unity.
Millions of people, clothed identically, carrying out all the same actions, and having a shared goal. All this being despite what their background, belief or social status is.
Why is it then, that we limit this magnificent pillar of Islam that forms the foundation of our religion, to a certain place at a certain time? Where are the millions of pilgrims when the enemies deprive us of our rights? Where are the millions, when there are children silently starving and laying massacred on the plains of Yemen, Iraq, Palestine and the like? Where are the millions, when the truth is being annihilated and they just let it be? Where are the millions who are united when clothed in white during Hajj, but at the slightest conflict of opinion with their brother or sister, rush to insult and attack them? Where did this unity, this love, this brotherhood go?
Yes, there are many problems in the world. But there are also millions of Muslims, who if united in the same way they come together during Hajj, can eradicate all injustices in a single blow.
Islam gave us many gifts, if only we truly unwrapped them and treasured them whole-heartedly. Only then, will we become the powerful, united Ummah that Allah (swt) wants us to be.
By Noor Alsaffar