Disclaimer: We are recommending these books as we believe they are beneficial. We do not necessarily endorse 100% of the contents. No book is perfect so we encourage you to remain critical (as you should when engaging any kind of media).
Book title: Faith Versus Materialism: The Message of Sūrah al-Kahf
No. of pages: 125
Readability: This book is very small – around the size of your hand – so it is really easy to take anywhere and fits in any bag. Also the book is broken down into many categories and sub-categories which makes it easier to read and understand. Some sections of the book are deeper and more complex and you need full concentration while reading them. In fact, I think the best way to make the most out of this book is to read it multiple times so as to fully absorb its contents. Generally though, it is a quick and relatively easy read.
What is this book about?
Just like the title suggests, this book is a very thorough and practical analysis of Sūrah al-Kahf. Anyone who has read Sūrah al-Kahf knows that it is a chapter of the Qur’an that is full of stories, and when Allah (swt) gives us stories in the Qur’an, it means there are invaluable lessons to take from them. However, the lessons from these stories are best derived from learned Islamic scholars who can interpret these meanings and analyse them to a full extent. So, this book explains the beautiful lessons behind these stories, and it is not in a typical tafsīr format, rather as a simplified break-down and analysis of the Sūrah. The author links the meanings of these stories to the all-important topic of materialism and faith. Materialism is so prevalent in society and it is really interesting the way the author explains that those who only believe in the material world cannot justify many things that occur in the world and throughout history. For example, the sleepers of the cave (aṣhāb al-Kahf) slept inside the cave for over 300 years, materialistically that seems impossible, yet once you believe in an Almighty God under Who’s will the material world is subjected to, you develop a more profound understanding of this world. Here is an excerpt from the book that further elaborates on this concept:
“Where the Will and Pleasure of God avails to furnish its support, the law of phenomenal causation becomes ineffective. The Creator of the world, the Omnipotent Lord, can cause the world, time and space to change their natural course for His bondsmen whom He desires to help, in order to create favourable situations and circumstances as He likes, and to bestow abundant blessings on whomever He wills. One need not, therefore, bend in submission to anyone other than God, nor espouse the causes that are themselves weak and ineffective. All one needs is a firm, unshaken faith in the Omnipotent Lord. Indeed, it is this conviction that moves mountains and subdues materialistic urges, through a sincere belief that annihilates the logic of reason via the logic of faith. And this is the essence or pith of the story of the Companions of the Cave.” (Page 48)
Who should read this book?
Everyone. The Qur’an is the guidance that Allah (swt) has gifted us with, however we must learn about it and understand it’s meanings in order to be guided by these divine words. This book is a tool that does just that, so I think every Muslim should read it at some point in their lives.
Who is the author and/or publisher?
The book was originally written in Arabic by Sayed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi. This version was translated into English by Mohiuddin Ahmad, and published by Islamic Book Trust in Kuala Lumpur.

Blurb on the back of the book
What is the best part about this book?
Without hesitation I would say this book is a life-changing one that is truly of the kind that impacts your life and your view of the world. It is therefore difficult to specify one part of the book as the best part, however, the overarching message it delivers to the reader is what makes it a great book. Reading the book solidifies your faith in God, and instils in you the belief that even if all materialistic odds are against you yet God is on your side, any situation can become in your favour since “causes and effects are subservient to the will of God” (page 60). The book also diagnosis the issue of materialism to be a disease in society, especially in reference to the story of the owners of two gardens in Sūrah al-Kahf. As Nadwi explains, “eventual success is assured to those who fear God; who prefer Him over the apparent trappings of phenomenal causation and are willing to face every hardship to uphold their ennobling faith.” (page 60), and therefore a life that is void of faith is also void of success.
- Prologue
- The Story of the Cave
- The Story of the Owner of Two Gardens
- The Story of Moses and al-Khiḍr
- Dhu al-Qarnayn
- The Fallacy of Materalism
- Bibliography
You can find Faith versus Materialism: The Message of Sūrah al-Kahf at Darussalam Bookshop, Coburg. It is also available from some online Islamic bookstores.