The month of Ramadan is like a special course. If you were enrolling in a course, naturally, at the end there would be an exam to test your understanding of that course and determine if you were successful or not.
The following is a checklist you can use to see if you understood the message of this month or not. This list is based on both the sermon of the Prophet welcoming the month of Ramadan and the events that occurred in this month. We encourage you check this list frequently until Ramadan next year, to remind yourself of the importance of extending the lessons of Ramadan to the whole year.
Ramadan Checklist:
- The month of Ramadan is the month of mercy, blessings and forgiveness. Are you trying to be merciful and forgiving?
- Are you constantly remembering the hunger and thirst of the Day of Judgement? Bearing in mind that the sinners will suffer from hunger and thirst on that day because they will stand there for long.
- Are you giving charities to the needy? Bearing in mind that charity is not necessary related to money. The Prophet taught us other kinds of charity: “Smiling to your brother/sister is charity” تبسمك في وجه أخيك صدقة
“Saying good words to people is charity” الكلمة الطيبة صدقة
“The alms of knowledge is to teach it to others” زكاة العلم أن تعلمه أهله - Are you paying respects to your elders?
- Are you having mercy on those younger than you and be kind to your relatives?
- Are you guarding your tongue against unworthy words? And guarding your eyes from forbidden scenes? And your ears from prohibited talks and sounds?
- Are you kind and helpful to orphans?
- Are you reading Qur’an, praying the recommended prayers and prostrating for long intervals?
- Are you feeding people, promoting good manners and avoiding harming others?
- The 12th of Ramadan marks the day of brotherhood/sisterhood, when the Prophet asked each Muslim in Madinah to choose a brother from Makkah, and he chose Imam Ali to be his brother. Are you promoting the concept of brotherhood in Islam?
- The 17th of Ramadan marks the battle of Badr. Are you trying to be righteous and on the right side no matter how small the group is?
- On the 21st of Ramadan Imam Ali was martyred. Are you reflecting on the life of Ali and deciding to be on the side of truth regardless the consequences?
- On the night of Qadr, did you learn how to make the best of good opportunities and get the most benefits of them?
- Did you remember that the meaning of Eid is to return to Allah? Are you reciting du’as frequently? And are you continuing to remember Allah in every moment of your life?
If you answer YES to most of the questions then you are maintaining the lessons of Ramadan during the coming year. And … CONGRATULATIONS!!! You can consider yourself successful in this course!
Otherwise you should work hard to make a change and implement all the teachings of Ramadan. Verily! The person who may not benefit from Ramadan and receive the mercy of Allah, is unfortunate. May Allah help us all to implement the teachings of Ramadan and maintain them throughout this year.
وآخر دعوانا ان الحمد لله رب العالمين
By Dr Iman al-Attar