Ramadan is the month of the Qur’an, and there is no better time to learn about all aspects of this Holy Book. Have a read of the infographic timeline below…
أيها العيد بك العدل تباهى
أيها العيد بك العدل تباهى حيث نالت أمة العدل مناها وثغور الحق فيك ابتسمت وعيون الجور غرقى في بكاها أنصت الكون لآي حينما أحمد المختار في الناس تلاها آية…
Tips for a special Eid-ul-Adha
Eid-ul-Adha is just around the corner, and it is one of the greatest days in the Islamic calendar. It marks the end of the pilgrimage that takes place in Mecca…
Basic facts about Prophet Muhammed’s life
1- What was the year the prophet was born in known as? Aam al-feel, the year of the elephant 2- What was the prophet’s occupation before he became a prophet? Merchant 3- In…
Be critical of what you hear about our Holy Imams (as)
Muharram is a significant month of the Islamic calendar. It is one of those rare but beautiful times where our masjids are not suffering from the desertion they experience during…