Eid-ul-Adha is just around the corner, and it is one of the greatest days in the Islamic calendar. It marks the end of the pilgrimage that takes place in Mecca known as Hajj and takes place on the 10th of Dhul-hijja in the Islamic lunar calendar. The two greatest Eids in Islam, Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha, signify the completion of a great achievement – fasting the month of Ramadan and completing the great journey of Hajj. For those of us who were not of the lucky ones in Mecca, hopefully, we also tried to make the most of these 10 days.
Here are some tips in order to revive the Eid-ul-Adha spirit for you and your families. This list builds upon a discussion we had at our last Wednesday program, so thank you to everyone who contributed. Enjoy!
1. Go to Eid prayer
Even if it means having to take time off work or uni if you can. Remember, this is one of the greatest days in the Islamic calendar!
If you are unable to attend due to restrictions, remember you can still pray at home with your family or tune in to a live stream from you local masjid if they are running one.
2. Give qurban
Sacrificing a qurban is a highly recommended sunnah on Eid-ul-Adha which our scholars have said is mustahab mu’akkad (highly recommended). This means it’s nearly wajib! The qurban is so that everyone can take part in this sacred and blessed feast.
Remember that the Eid slaughter only accounts for an insignificant percentage of the worldwide yearly slaughter of animals and it actually gives those poor and needy (who eating meat is a rarity for) a chance to have meat at the time of Eid.
Don’t miss out on attaining huge rewards and putting a smile on the face of those less fortunate.
3. Listen to Hajj and Eid related nasheeds
This is a great way to get into the Eid spirit. You can play these around the house leading up to Eid. Get the children involved as well so that they feel the Eid environment.
We’ve put together a list of nasheeds to get you started:
Bayt Allah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfdydfWTzl4
على طيبة يلا نروح https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahLgaKTQZeQ
لبو وزارو الحرم https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ck_lx3zJns
طل العيد https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pP0Yxm3xboM&feature=youtu.be
Labbayk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKaGuw1-pL8
Please comment below any more suggestions you have!
4. Create a countdown to Eid with goals
You could create something like an advent calendar, and for each day you need to accomplish something. This is great for kids! For example, they can recite a surah each day leading up to Eid.
5. Wear new clothes
Although we should not be extravagant and so we shouldn’t buy clothes unnecessarily, Eid is one of those times you should! Try to leave the days of Eids in the year for buying new clothes to make it special.
6. Give thoughtful gifts to your family and friends, especially the children!
You could also try to hand make them – who doesn’t love receiving a handmade gift?
7. Decorate the house
Decorating your house will be a great reminder that Eid is soon, plus it’s a lot of fun. You could try DIY decorations or you can buy them from Islamic stores.
Some places which stock Eid decorations include:
Nasiba Fashion: 995B, Sydney Road, Coburg, VIC 3058
Islamic Books and Clothing: 207 – 211 Sydney Road, Coburg, VIC 3058
Modesty Collection: 85 Sydney Road, Coburg, VIC 3058
If you know of other places with Eid decorations, let us know in the comments.
8. Visit your family and friends
Silat-ur-rahm (connectiong with one’s family) is amongst the most beloved deeds in Islam and is even more recommended on Eid. If they are too far or you are unable to visit due to restrictions, you can call or even post a gift to them. Eid is a great opportunity to check up on your friends who you may have not seen in a while. Think as well about those who may feel lonely on Eid, such as reverts and international students who do not have their family nearby.
9. Make special sweets and food
Of course, Eid is not the same without food! Try to make Hajj themed or traditional sweets as well to maintain a connection with your culture.
10. Handmake and send sweet Eid cards to your loved ones
Below are some cards we made which you can use for inspiration:
11. Learn about Hajj and Umrah
You can watch documentaries, read books or articles.
Here is a recommendation you can start with:
Hajj by Dr. Ali Shariati: https://www.al-islam.org/hajj-pilgrimage-dr-ali-shariati
12. Give a helping hand to your brothers and sisters in faith
Do you know someone who is struggling to make ends meet? Someone who is sick or homesick? Try to help out where you can. Qadha’ hajat ul mo’min (alleviating the need of a believer) is a great act of worship.
… and most importantly, be happy and make those around you happy!
Eid is a time for joy. Although we all have hardships in our lives, it is important we make space for joy in order to help us overcome those hardships.
“من سرَّ مؤمناً فقد سرَّني ومن سرَّني فقد سرَّ الله”: عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم
It is narrated that the Holy Prophet (saw) said: “Whoever made a believer happy, he has made be happy. And whoever makes me happy makes Allah (swt) happy”.