“وقروا كباركم وارحموا صغاركم”- رسول الله“Respect your elders, show mercy to the young.”-Prophet Muhammad (saw)
The idea that “age is just a number” is one that has become prevalent among many. It is basically the idea that no matter what the person’s age, there should be no difference in treatment or attitude between them. And it means that age plays no role in terms of a person’s place in society. Islam, on the other hand, teaches us that age is not just a number; rather there are certain social guidelines which dictate how we should treat people of different age groups. What is the reason for this?
A successful society requires structure. Everyone must know their place in society and how to treat those around them. Someone who adopts the idea that “age is just a number” will treat those older than them the same way they treat someone their age or younger. For example, in an argument or conversation with an older person they may raise their voices or dismiss advice from them because they attach no value to the life lessons this individual has attained. Similarly, someone with this mindset may mistreat those young in age, show them harshness and fail to build sturdy relationships with them. Whereas in this hadith, the Prophet Muhammad outlines the most appropriate attitudes towards the elders of society and towards the youth.
The elders deserve to be respected, honoured and dignified. Without them, the youth would be lost. The youth have to seek their advice and wisdom so that they don’t have to learn things the hard way. The elders are the backbone of society and if the youth stop respecting those older than them, society would collapse. Respect means that even if they say something you disagree with, you still listen to them and appreciate their advice. Respect also means to give them an elevated status in society; we see in Western culture elders are marginalised and treated as burdens, or as if they are ‘out of date’ and now it’s time for the youth to shine. Whereas in Islam, they are the most dignified and the value of any youth is directly derived from the guidance of elders. What the youth must realise is that they won’t be young forever, and one day they would also like to pass on their life lessons to those still unaware of the world around them.
On the other hand, it is the right of the youth that they are treated gently, not harshly. They may make mistakes as they are learning what is right and what is wrong, but the older members of society must show them mercy. The more mercy they are shown, the tighter the relationship will be between the two generations.
This is the beauty of this Prophetic prescription. If we follow it, we will be a healthy, flourishing society InshaAllah.