The blessed first ten days of Dhul Hijjah are almost here, and on this occasion we invite you to take part in the Ihram Challenge

During the rituals of Hajj, pilgrims are required to enter a sacred state called “Ihram” which is designed to distance us from this worldly, material life and remind us of our purpose of serving Allah (swt). It includes wearing only white attire which represents purity, as well as the shroud we will be wearing when resurrected on the Day of Judgement.
Here are some ways we can experience the state of Ihram from home:
– Stating the talbiyah
لبيك اللهم لبيك، لبيك لا شريك لك لبيك، ان الحمد والنعمة لك والملك، لا شريك لك
Here I am! at Your service, O Lord! Here I am! at Your service, You have no partner. Here I am at Your service.
All the praise is Yours, so is the bounty, and to You belongs the property; there is no partner to You. Here I am! at Your service
– Perform ghusl as a symbolic cleanse for the soul and body
– Refrain from using perfume, or fragranced products/soaps
– Avoid looking in the mirror
– Avoid cutting hair or nails
– Avoid beautification, application of makeup etc.
– Avoid quarrelling, arguments and unnecessary speech (جدال)
– Wear white, simple clothing
InshaAllah these small steps will help us to become detached from this dunya and reconnect with Allah (swt).