What is better than the whole world and what it contains?

Islam is a religion that highly emphasises unity and congregation in all aspects of life, including in prayer. Many of us pray our daily prayers alone indicating our underestimation of how important praying in congregation is, and how much reward we can get for it. Sheikh Ali Mer’i (الشيخ علي مرعي) says in interpretation of the Quranic verse [2:43]:

وَأَقِيمُواْ الصَّلَاةَ وَآتُواْ الزَّكَاةَ وَارْكَعواْ مَعَ الرَّاكِعِينَ
“And establish prayer and give zakah and bow with those who bow [in worship and obedience].”

He says that Allah’s (swt) words ‘bow (do ruku’) with those who bow’, is a clear indication that Allah (swt) wants the muslim not to perform ruku’ on his own i.e. not to pray on his own; rather the muslims’ ruku and prayers should be with those who perform ruku’ and those who pray.

Additionally, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has spoken about the importance of congregational prayer in such a way that if we truly listened to his words we would never leave this prayer!

قال رسول الله ﷺ: “تكبيرة
يدركها المؤمن مع الإمام خيرٌ من ستينَ ألفَ حِجّة وعُمرة وخير من الدنيا وما فيها بسبعينَ ألفَ مرّة وركعة يصلّيها المؤمن مع الإمام خيرٌ من مائة ألف دينار يتصدّق بها على المساكين، وسجدة يسجدها المؤمن مع الإمام في جماعة خيرٌ من عتق مائة رقبة.”

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “A takbirah done by a believer with an Imam (leader of prayer) is better than sixty thousand Hajj and Umrah and better than the whole world and what it contains by seventy thousand times; and one ruk’a that a believer prays with an Imam is better than one hundred thousand dinars of charity to the needy; and one sajdah (prostration) of a believer with an Imam is better that freeing one hundred slaves.”

SubhanAllah, praying in congregation is better than the whole world and what it contains! The congregational prayer has vast benefits than we could probably ever comprehend. Islam wants our manners and treatment of people to be at the highest level, and our connection with Allah (swt) through prayer and worship contributes to this. Add to this praying with other muslims, your brothers and sisters – not only are we strengthening our connection with Allah (swt) we are also creating a sense of brotherhood, sisterhood, and of community.

The best part is, congregational prayer is valid even with just 2 people praying. This means that – although praying in congregation at a masjid is better – you can pray your daily prayers in congregation at home with anyone around you.

Now that you have read this, your challenge is to pray your upcoming prayer in congregation (صلاة الجماعة)… and hopefully from there we can all start to pray as many prayers as we can in this blessed way!

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