How will Imam Mahdi Achieve Peace Through Unity?

How will Imam Mahdi achieve peace through unity?

–  Imam Mahdi (as) will be sent for all of mankind, not for a particular group of people. He will defend the poor and oppressed around the world, uphold moral and ethical values, and establish peace and unity amongst all tribes, nations, and religions.

– As the continuer of Prophet Muhammed’s message, Imam Mahdi will be a ‘mercy to mankind’ in the same way his noble grandfather was.

-He will reveal Islam in its truest form, and establish clarity of the truth. The truth will be available and known to everyone.

– He will dissolve social divisions, and establish equality between people on Earth. The world will be environmentally restored, while political peace will flourish with his message of goodness, justice and peace.

– Imam Mahdi will emerge alongside Alkhidhr (peace be upon him) and Prophet Isa (pbuh)   

-Alkhidhr is mentioned in the Quran (surat Alkahf), where Allah relates Alkhidhr’s superior knowledge of future events, as well as his sincere servitude towards Allah (swt). Alkhidhr will therefore accompany the Imam as a loyal companion, and benefit the Imam’s spreading of Islam by providing his knowledgeable advice and insight.

– Isa (as) will return to the Earth and promote the message of the Mahdi; many of Isa’s (as) Christian followers will therefore convert to Islam, in reverence to Imam Mahdi. As Isa (as) will pray behind Almahdi (as) in Masjid Alquds, Jerusalem, Isa (as) will be influencing his Christian followers to look up to Almahdi as a role model. Furthermore, Almahdi’s presence in Palestine will finally establish peace with many Jews.

– Imam Mahdi will therefore unite all believers in God under one umbrella, standing as a protector and defender of everyone. His message and movement will be the ultimate intellectual defeat of atheistic ideologies and assertions.

– His movement will thus be effective in creating peace amongst different people, through his use of knowledge, and virtuous culture to attract his followers; he will not cause bloodshed, terror, and violence, and there will be no coercion in his message.

– As eager waiters of the awaited time of peace and social cohesion, we can catalyse the establishment of such unity by dissolving the national and ideological barriers that exist around us. We can play a part in The Mahdi’s message, we can pave the road for him, by making friends with people of different sects or religions and discussing our similarities with them; we can use our differences as blessings, by learning from each other and the diversity that fundamentally flourishes from our differences.

– In the Quran, Allah (swt) states that “He created us in tribes and nations so that we get to know one another”. This verse highlights the importance of developing a strong network of brotherhood and dialogue between people we culturally or ideologically differ from; Allah would not be advising that ‘we get to know one another’ if it wasn’t a huge benefit for us and for His message.

This is a summary of one of the group’s discussions from LAL’s Imam Al-Mahdi: The Ultimate World-Changer workshop on Sunday 13th May 2018

     By Abrar Abdulridha

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