Note: Scroll down for the original Arabic text
Where is the era of the Prophet compared to our era today,
For there is an enormous difference between the one who is awake and the one who is sleeping.
This life seems beautiful and embellished to us,
So we have drowned in it’s raging sea.
Did the Messenger not guide us to be righteous?
So why then to this path do we not adhere?!
How many hadiths of the Prophet have we narrated,
And each of us knowing very well their meanings.
He did not differentiate between the poor and the wealthy
But we deviated from this, so was he the one who was wrong?
Regrettably, we have not followed Taha,
And we considered his guidance as if it is merely dreams.
It should not make us proud to celebrate births and hold gatherings for martyrs,
What makes us proud is to follow their path and to revive the legacy of these noble people.
Perhaps, a builder strives for glory all alone,
How can he build, when behind him there are a thousand demolishers?!
By Sayyed Muhammad Salman al-Attar
Original Arabic Poem:
أينَ عهدُ الرسولِ من عهدِنا اليوم
فشتّانَ بين صاحٍ ونائم
قد حلَت عندَنا الحياةُ وطابَت
فغرِقنا في بحرِها المتلاطِم
اوَلَم يهدِنا الرَّسولُ إلى الخيرِ
فَلِمْ لا لِلخيرِ نَبقى نُلازِم
كم حديثٍ عن النبيِّ رويناهُ
وكلُ مِنّا لِمَعناهُ فاهِم
لَم يُفَضِّل على الفقيرِ غنيّاً
!واختَلفنا عنهُ فهَل كانَ واهِم
أسَفاً نحنُ ما اقتدينا بطه
وحسِبنا هداهُ اضغاثَ حالِم
لَيسَ فَخْراً بأَنْ نُقيمَ لِمولودٍ سروراً وللشّهيدِ مآتم
إنَّمَا الفَخرُ أَن نَسيرَ كَما ساروا ونُحيي آثارَ صيدِ أكارم
رُبَّ بانٍ للمَجدِ يَسعى وَحيداً
كَيف يَبني وخلفَهُ ألفُ هادِم