The Ultimate Goal in Life

وَأَنْتَ غايَةُ مَطْلُوبِي وَمُنايَ، فِي مُنْقَلَبِي وَمَثْوايَ
Oh Allah, you are the goal behind everything I do
When you think about your goals or what you want to achieve in the coming years, what do you think of?
We all have personal goals, career goals etc., and that is natural.
However our overarching goal which pervades through the rest of our goals should always be Allah (swt); our goal to please Him, gain closeness to Him and make Him the priority no matter what.
This doesn’t mean we must spend our lives in habitual worship, but to remember Him in all that we do. When we are at work, we must make sure that we treat everyone as they deserve, keep secrets safe and not abuse our position of authority. In our families, we must strive to obey our parents, pray for them and put their needs before ours. In buying a house, it means avoiding interest and buying it in the name of Allah (swt) and with the intention of establishing a resilient Muslim household in it. In marriage, it means not just to fulfil the goal of getting married but to treat each other with utmost respect and compassion. It also means when we want to bring children into the world, we ensure that we educate ourselves and then put in our every effort to raise them as righteous slaves of Allah, who will also in turn have Him as their ultimate goal.
This excerpt of Dua Sabah (the morning dua) by Imam Ali reminds us that this is an intention we should restate at the start of each and every day, so that we can ensure we live this day and every other for Him, and only Him. After all we belong to Him, and to Him we will return.
Jumm’ah Mubarakah?✨

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