10 Pearls of Wisdom

The following are ten blessed hadiths that serve as pearls of wisdom we can use to learn Islamic teachings and adopt them in our lives.
1- Leave what makes you suspicious and take what doesn’t make you suspicious
“دع ما يريبك الى ما لا يريبك”
This hadith teaches us that whenever we are in doubt about any matter in our lives, we should stick to the safe side and avoid it. Certainty is the most powerful tool and only doing what we are certain is right means we will make less mistakes along the way.
2- Whatever you wish to have, wish it for your brother (in faith) as well
“أحبب لأخيك ما تحب لنفسك”
This is a golden rule! There are many hurtful attitudes and personalities that people may display towards us; if we hate people being like that to us, we should try our best to not make others feel that way too. 
3- Do not make a promise unless you’re sure you’ll be able to fulfil it
“لا تعد بشئ لا تقدر على فعله”
When you tell someone you will do something, no matter how small it is, you have to make every effort to actually fulfil that promise. Failure to do this will result in a fragmented society where trust is completely lost. (If you are unable to fulfil your promise for whatever reason, you can’t just let it quietly slip. You have to let them know that you can’t do it and apologise for that. This way trust is maintained).
4- Be truthful and don’t let a lie ever comes from your mouth
“عليك بالصدق ولا تخرج من فيك كذبة أبدا”
Again, this is such important advice that allows for a sturdy society where one can trust others. Lies will always be exposed in the end so Islam instructs us to never lie. Lying can also easily become a habit, so even ‘small’ lies are harmful. After all, truthfulness is the sign of a believer.
5- The greatest level of poverty is ignorance and no richness is greater than intellect
“لا فقر أشد من الجهل ولا مال أعود من العقل”
The one who uses their mind and applies their knowledge in their life are the richest of people, whereas those who are ignorant are easily fooled and live a life of true poverty.
6- There are four signs of a perfect Muslim: truthfulness, thankfulness, modesty, and being well mannered
“أربع من كنّ فيه كمل إسلامه: الصدق والشكر والحياء وحسن الخلق
Be truthful, thank Allah (swt), be modest in your actions and clothing, and treat people with good manners. If you do this, you will be the perfect Muslim. This is the beautiful teaching of Islam which teaches people how to be good members of society. 
7- The strong one is not he who has the biggest muscles. The strong one is he who can contain his emotions in a moment of anger.
“ليس الشديد بالصرعة، إنما الشديد الذي يملك نفسه عند الغضب
Anyone can develop strong muscles, but the person who can control himself in his vulnerable moments of anger is truly the strongest. Anger is an emotional state where reason and logic tend to fade, and as a result, most of what we do and say when angry becomes a source of regret later on. Let’s train ourselves to reach this ultimate level of strength where even in anger we do not lose our ability to reason.
8- The stingy person is the one who is stingy with his salaams (greetings)
“البخيل من بخل بالسلام”
Saying ‘Assalamu Alaikum’ is the easiest thing to do, yet some may become stingy with it if they don’t like person X or have a grudge against person Y. You lose nothing when you say ‘salam’, and it only makes you a generous, well-mannered Muslim. Make it a habit to say ‘Salam’ to everyone, and at all times.
9- The one who seeks something through haram means will end up with what he was avoiding, rather than what he sought.
“من حاول أمراً بمعصية الله كان أفوت لما يرجو وأسرع لما يحذر”
You must have the right intentions no matter what you are doing. If you try to achieve something through haram means, it will only backfire on you. Obeying Allah (swt) is the one and only way to success in this life and the hereafter.
10- Avoid arguments, since they destroy you
“إياك والجدال فإنه يوبقك”
Arguments (note: not discussions and debates) are always shunned in Islam. Most often when you are arguing with someone, your only true goal is to prove you are right, rather than to find the truth. Only ever discuss topics in a calm, open-minded and respectful manner.
We hope you found these hadiths beneficial inshaAllah! Islam has the solution to every problem and guides us to the truth in every area of life – if only we looked more to it’s teachings for answers!

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