
O’ Allah, we pray to You in what is left of these blessed last 10 days of Ramadan, to bring victory and relief to our brothers and sisters in Palestine, and to defeat through Your Might the criminal occupiers.

They may believe that they are poweful, yet You are infinitely the most powerful. They might feel undefeatable as they hide behind their weapons, yet defeating them is easy for You.

O’ Allah, just like You brought victory to the Muslims at Badr, and just like You made the ocean split for Prophet Musa, grant us victory in the face of Your enemies.

O’ Allah, give us the tawfiq to always remember Palestine and the Muslim Ummah at large in our prayers, and to never detach ourselves from such important causes.

We have full faith and confidence in You, O’ Allah, and no one can defeat us when we have Your help 

O’ Allah, free Palestine soon, Amin

#savesheikhjarrah #sheikhjarrah #freepalestine 


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