Upon being confronted by Fir’aun’s (Pharaoh’s) army, the companions of Prophet Musa said to him “surely we are overtaken” (Qur’an 26: 61). To which Musa replied “Never! Indeed with me is my Lord. He will guide me.” (26:62). And with that unrelenting faith, Allah (swt) ordered the ocean to be split in half at the mere strike of Musa’s stick (عصا). “And We saved Musa and all those with him, then we drowned the others. Surely, in this there is a sign, but most of them are not believers.’ (26:65-67).
Fir’aun thought he could defeat Musa, but he forgot about Allah (swt) who is capable of all things. Similarly, those who believe they can defeat Palestine are at no avail. The same God who protected Musa and his people will protect Palestine and it’s people. We will not remain silent and watch innocent Palestinians be killed while defending their land and their home. We will speak up and have faith in Allah the Almighty, that He will part the sea of injustice and oppression with the stick of truth. And we will see the enemies drown. Truth will prevail. Justice will prevail. If not today, then tomorrow. And Palestine will be free.
By Noor Alsaffar
#FreePalestine #PalestineWillBeFree #GreatReturnMarch #Nakba70years