This beautiful dua (supplication) is highly recommended to be recited at the end of the Holy month of Ramadan. It’s meanings are filled with praise of Allah (swt), seeking His…
The Effects of Political Modernisation on Baghdad – PDF
Dr. Iman Alattar graduated with her PhD from the University of Tasmania in 2014 with a thesis titled: Textual Representation of the Socio-urban History of Baghdad in the Eighteenth and…
Trust in Allah’s Plan for You
Why me? Why is my life like this? I wish my life was different! Does this sound like you? We all have moments like this from time to time where…
To Be Human is to Be Free
“Freedom is not officially assigned, nor is freedom given. It is just like a spring that erupts from the depths of the earth to impose itself. The spring, when it…
What is a Lunar Eclipse?
Tonight on May 26, between 7:45pm and 10:52pm, the moon will move into earth’s shadow, creating a total lunar eclipse. People all over Australia will be able to see it….
Food Waste: The Biggest Pandemic (+ Tips on Eating Out)
Roughly one third of the food produced in the world for human consumption every year – approximately 1.3 billion tons – gets lost or wasted. [1] Now that some of…
Video: Self love: is it Islamic?
Self love has gained immense popularity in recent time, but have we stopped to think about what it really means, and importantly, if it is compatible with Islam? Watch this…