Disclaimer: We are recommending these books as we believe they are beneficial. We do not necessarily endorse 100% of the contents. No book is perfect so we encourage you to remain critical (as you should when engaging any kind of media).
Book title: Refugees: Why Seeking Asylum is Legal and Australia’s Policies Are Not
No. of pages: 226
Readability: simple language, appropriate sized writing which is spaced out. Very readable.
What is this book about? The topic of this book is expressed clearly in the title; it talks about why seeking asylum is legal and Australia’s policies are not. The book goes into the real definition of a refugee, the Refugee Convention, real life experiences of refugees, common misconceptions about refugees and Australia’s policies concerning asylum seekers. The book explores these topics in depth, while keeping it simple and digestible for the reader.
Who should read this book? Everyone not only should, but needs to read this book. It is written with simple and very easy-to-understand language without technical jargon that can be confusing and complicated in books which address political topics. More specifically, the book targets the Australian public and seeks to inform and educate Australians about this relevant and pressing topic of discussion. You will feel empowered with knowledge after reading this book.
Who is the author and/or publisher? There are two authors: Jane McAdam who is a professor of law and director of the Andrew & Renata Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), and Fiona Chong who conducts research on international refugee law. It is published by the UNSW press.
This gives credibility to the text and leads us to conclude that it is factual and objective rather than based on the author’s opinion alone.
What is the best part about this book? The parts tackling common myths about asylum seekers. These include: Are asylum seekers arriving by boat illegal? Do asylum seekers pose a threat to national security? Is Australia being ‘flooded’ by asylum seekers?
- Introduction
- 1. Refugees and international law
- 2. Identifying who is a refugee
- 3. Addressing some common myths about asylum seekers (I)
- 4. Addressing some common myths about asylum seekers (II)
- 5. Mandatory detention
- 6. Offshore processing
- 7. Turning back boats
- 8. A regional protection framework
- 9. Legal Assistance
- 10. Why international law matters
- Conclusion
You can find Refugees: Why Seeking Asylum is Legal and Australia’s Policies Are Not at your local library. Otherwise it is freely available for purchase online.