Tonight on May 26, between 7:45pm and 10:52pm, the moon will move into earth’s shadow, creating a total lunar eclipse. People all over Australia will be able to see it….
فضل السحور
“من اراد ان يصوم فليتسحر بشىء” “تسحروا ولو بشقة تمر” “تسحروا ففي السحور بركة” هذه الأحاديث وغيرها كثير في فضل السحور تروى عن النبي الأكرم محمد (ص). ترى ماهو السحور…
O’ Allah, we pray to You in what is left of these blessed last 10 days of Ramadan, to bring victory and relief to our brothers and sisters in Palestine,…
The Battle of Badr: A Divine Victory
“The lesson which the Muslims should learn from the battle of Badr, is to have faith and confidence in Allah (swt) and in themselves, and be always sure that Allah…
من وحي دعاء النبي في شعبان
دعاء جميل يروى ان النبي (ص) كان يدعو به في كافة الأوقات خصوصا في شهر شعبان وفي القنوت في الصلوات، وهو من الدعوات الجامعات: اللَّهُمَّ اقْسِمْ لَنَا مِنْ خَشْيَتِكَ مَا…
Salat Al-Layl Challenge 1442/2021
﷽ Salat al-Layl (the Night Prayer) is a highly regarded voluntary prayer in Islam, with numerous references in both the Qur’an and hadith emphasising the immeasurable ajr (reward) that a…
The Power of Congregational Prayer
The benefits of performing congregational prayers (salat aljama’a) at home: It increases the rewards (hasanat) of prayers; it is narrated that the rewards of praying as a group are much…
Alhamdulillah For Everything
The beauty of being thankful to Allah (swt) is that there is no limit – at no point can anyone say they have thanked Allah (swt) sufficiently for what He…