Are we really on Hussain’s side? Black clothes ✔️ check Tears ✔️ check Majalis ✔️ check Free food ✔️ check Every Muharram, we attempt to tick all of these boxes and many more, as a show of our…
Dear leader, how will you lead? – A Poem
Dear leader, how will you lead? “Everyone is a leader, and everyone is responsible for whom they lead.” Dear leader, how will your voice shatter the windows of ignorance’s house? …
Where Are The Millions?
If we don’t take anything from the season of Hajj, let us derive from it one key lesson. The lesson of unity. Millions of people, clothed identically, carrying out all…
تعدد الزوجات: بحث في شرح آيات من سورة النساء
بِسْم الله الرحمن الرحيم بعد الصلاة والسلام على محمد وآل محمد الفهم السطحي التقليدي لمسألة تعدد الزوجات: اذا سألت عن موضوع تعدد الزوجات يأتيك الجواب مباشرةً إن رسول الله…
What YOU Can Do For Palestine
We all want to do good, yet it is sometimes difficult to know how. Here are some practical and easy ways that you – reading this right now – can support…
Abortion: Is it ethical?
Cover image depicts a graveyard for aborted babies in Vietnam Yesterday on The Project there was a story on the topic of abortion, in relation to the Irish referendum*, and…
Palestine Will Be Free
Upon being confronted by Fir’aun’s (Pharaoh’s) army, the companions of Prophet Musa said to him “surely we are overtaken” (Qur’an 26: 61). To which Musa replied “Never! Indeed with me…
How will Imam Mahdi Achieve Peace Through Unity?
How will Imam Mahdi achieve peace through unity? – Imam Mahdi (as) will be sent for all of mankind, not for a particular group of people. He will defend the poor…
Who’s Waiting For Who?
We all live with a great hope of the day that our Imam will reappear and abolish this life of injustice, and the world will become one filled with peace,…
من هدي الامام الحسين عليه السلام
– نبارك للأمة الاسلامية ذكرى ولادة الامام الحسين (ع). في هذه المناسبة لنحاول ان نتعلم من مدرسة هذا الأمام الهادي المهدي، وذلك من خلال استقراء بعض ماورد عنه من أحاديث….