This Ramadan, Kalima Institute has developed a printable worksheet for you to write down what you want to change in this month and how. The activity consists of 5 simple…
Have We Truly Followed the Prophet? – A Poem
Note: Scroll down for the original Arabic text Where is the era of the Prophet compared to our era today, For there is an enormous difference between the one…
امة القرآن
ثِق فقد أثمرت مساعيكٓ خيراً اذ بدا الرشدُ من مساعيكٓ ناجم أنت أوجدتٓ أمةً فاقت النجمٓ علوّاً بكلِّ أروعِ حازم فلها أرسلٓ الأله مديحاً حينما قال وهو بالغيبِ عالِم…
Papa Goose
Disclaimer: We are recommending these books as we believe they are beneficial. We do not necessarily endorse 100% of the contents. No book is perfect so we encourage you to…
نور النبوّة
قصيدة بمناسبة ذكرى المبعث النبوي الشريف، ذكرى انطلاق الهدى والرحمة والنور من جبل النور، كتبها المرحوم السيد محمد سلمان العطار في عام 1942 وكان في العشرينات من عمره تغمده الله…
“!لابد ان يظهر الأمام الامام المهدي الآن”
أ: لابد ان يظهر الأمام الامام المهدي الآن ب: لماذا؟ أ: ضاقت الدنيا علينا ونريده أن يخلصنا ب: لكن الله موجود وغير غائب وهو القادر الوحيد على أن ينجينا أ:…
The Blessing of Free Time
What would Imam Musa al-Kazim (as) do with so much free time? These days mark the anniversary of the martyrdom of our blessed Imam and role model, Imam Musa ibn…
What is the purpose of saying InshaAllah and MashaAllah?
“Can I have ice cream?”, a young child asks. “Inshallah”, replies the mum. “I got a 90 on my test!” exclaims Habiba. “Mashallah,” replies her friend. InshaAllah and MashaAllah. These…
The Fine Line Between Tawhid and Shirk
A common practice in many religions throughout history is that people pray to righteous people to obtain their needs, rather than praying directly to God. For example, many Christians make…
Dark Emu: Aboriginal Australia and the Birth of Agriculture
Disclaimer: We are recommending these books as we believe they are beneficial. We do not necessarily endorse 100% of the contents. No book is perfect so we encourage you to…