بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Kalima Institute is back with another book club program! This is an online program where we read and discuss important books together by great scholars from whom we can gain a wealth of knowledge.This book club will be for the book “Contemplations on Reason in Islam” by Sayyed Muhammad Hussain Fadlallah.It is a very important book that covers various topics relevant to our lives as Muslims.We will be reading sections of the book every Monday and Thursday at 7pm AEST starting Thursday 11th August InshaAllah.As we approach the beginning of a new Islamic year, it is essential to start with gaining new knowledge.To join, contact us to receive the link to enter our WhatsApp group where we will share Zoom links and further details.We look forward to go on this learning journey with you InshaAllah ?
Download book here:
Reading Schedule: